Keeping Your Cool: How to Stay Calm After Submitting an Offer on Your Dream Home

The moment you submit an offer on a home is a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation. You've found the perfect place, made your move, and now it's time to play the waiting game. Staying calm during this period is crucial to maintaining your sanity and making informed decisions. In this blog post, we'll explore effective strategies to help you keep your cool after submitting an offer on your dream home.

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions:

   It's completely normal to feel a mix of emotions after submitting an offer. Excitement, anxiety, and impatience are all part of the process. Acknowledge these feelings and understand that they are a natural response to a significant life event.

2. Establish Realistic Expectations:

   While it's tempting to imagine yourself in your dream home, it's important to set realistic expectations. The seller may take some time to respond, and there could be negotiations involved. Prepare yourself for the possibility of a counteroffer or a period of waiting.

3. Distract Yourself:

   Instead of obsessively checking your email or waiting for a call from your real estate agent, find ways to distract yourself. Engage in activities you enjoy, whether it's a hobby, spending time with friends, or exploring your current neighborhood. Keeping your mind occupied can help alleviate stress.

4. Focus on What You Can Control:

   Understand that some aspects of the homebuying process are beyond your control. Instead of fixating on the waiting period, concentrate on what you can control, such as organizing your finances, gathering necessary documents, or exploring backup options in case your offer doesn't get accepted.

5. Stay Informed About the Process:

   Knowledge is empowering. Stay informed about the typical timeline for a seller to respond to an offer and the steps that follow. Your real estate agent can provide insights into the local market and help manage your expectations.

6. Communicate with Your Real Estate Agent:

   Maintain open communication with your real estate agent. They are there to guide you through the process and can provide updates on the status of your offer. Having a clear line of communication will give you peace of mind and help you feel more in control. 

7. Consider Your Options:

   While waiting for a response, take the time to consider your options. What will be your next steps if the offer is accepted or if it's declined? Being mentally prepared for various outcomes can reduce anxiety and help you make more informed decisions when the time comes.

8. Practice Relaxation Techniques:

   Incorporate relaxation techniques into your routine, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. These practices can help calm your mind and reduce stress during this potentially nerve-wracking period.

9. Plan for Celebration or Employ the “24 Hour Rule”

   Anticipate the need for celebration or recovery. If your offer is accepted, plan a small celebration to mark the occasion. On the other hand, if the offer is declined, have a plan in place to bounce back quickly. Years ago we started using the “24 hour rule” for ourselves. For 24 hours, you can feel disappointed, then it’s time to get back on the horse!

Submitting an offer on a home is a significant step in your homebuying journey. While the waiting period can be challenging, it's essential to stay calm and focused. By acknowledging your emotions, establishing realistic expectations, and maintaining open communication with your real estate agent, you can navigate this phase with a sense of resilience and optimism. Remember, whether the outcome is positive or not, it's all part of the process, bringing you one step closer to finding the home that's just right for you.

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